the impact of digital photography.

The rise of computers and technology has made things worlds easier, that including that of photography. This means a lot of people with little knowledge of shutter speeds and f-stops can take instant photographs and depending on the camera, professional-looking photographs. With "Automatic" modes on a camera it's a lot easier to record images which can be both a good, and bad thing.

Most people seem to take advantage of images because of the how easy it is to simply take them, most phones now have some sort of camera and a small digital compact camera is easier to take around than a bulky SLR. Images can now be deleted off of a memory card leaving more room for even more images. Even better than that is once you have a camera and memory card, it's doesn't cost to take images at all, only for printing which unlike with film, you don't have to buy the paper, film or chemicals, you can simply take the memory card to a shop and an hour or so later you'll have an photograph in you hands.

However, with being able to do this so casually, taking photographs can be taken for granted now that anyone can do it, those trying to make it professionally then have work harder and creatively to get into the business and stand out from those who just ''point-and-shoot''. Though with all the camera's settings, though their is an ''auto'' mode, if you don't know how a digital camera works, you may not be able to do create effects in the camera and therefore will have to learn editing skills.

Learning photoshop, thanks to tutorials, can be very easy and though a lot of people will have the skills, to use photoshop, if you use it creatively it can be very effective which is another plus for digital technology. For example these images below created by Platinum FMD and Gale Franey, using both a camera and creative software (photoshop, paint shop pro, etc) would never have been possible with a film camera, so this software, though easily distrubited and even easier to use once learnt can be used creatively and helpfully to produce high quality images, this type of software can then be of a good use to a photographer with good skills and high creativty. 

by Platinum FMD.

by Gale Franey.

Unfortunately, though digital photography has all theses pluses, it also means that film photography and darkroom printing is being pushed aside to make room for the 'digital age'. Film photography and darkroom printing have now become specility skills instead of normal practice which though cost effective for photographers, means that a whole age of photography is being less and less used. 

Photoshop and other programs of the like, have special effects to replicate those of darkroom printing, but unfortunately most of the hardwork in getting the exposure right all manually is being lost and not to mention devloping the film and images yourself.

Because of photoshop and digital photography a lot of people take for granted how hard photographers used to work to create clear images using film because they haven't shot and processed their own film and images

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