andy potts.

This is the work of digital artist and photographer, Andy Potts, I really like the style of his work--how he bends and twists something recognizable into something that's very sereal and kind of, in some cases, such as the one of the factory above, a little bit dream-like almost. I really like the factory image above, there's lots of bright colour which easily catches the eye--which is something to think about when creating my album cover, colour?--I like that the flower pattern is something that catches you first, and then you see where it's coming from, the factory, which is something recognizable.

Having something recognizable and then twisting into something new and different seems to be a theme with Andy Potts work, another example is the first image of the landscape of a busy street and the silhouettes of the people in the foreground. This is something recongizable--a busy street which anyone could have seen in, for example, London, or New York, Etc, and then Potts and twisted the colours--again very bright, and eyecatching, and given it a more cartoon like feel.

I like how in that image the scene seems to get more realistic or has more detail the further back it goes, like the people in the foreground are silhouettes but in the background the buildings have more detail and are more realistic, aside from the colour of course which I think gives it the dream-like quality because dreams can be obscure though still stay true to life situations.

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